Jenns Paper Obsession

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My scrapbook area

Hey guys! 2 posts in one day? Wow! I finally did a scrapbook area video. I am getting some pictures edited, then I will be posting pictures tonight! Please check back later :)


Nati Tristan said...

YOU ARE SUCH A PRO! Your space is so organized and gorgeous! i love your cubes and i love your PINK SLICE AND EXPRESSION! So Jealous!

KellyCali said...

OK, I know I'm suppose to be looking at the supplies & storage, but my favorite part of the video, hands down, is when you shared your tiara!...There's just something so cute about how you say, 'Cuz, I'm a Princess...!' Love it! Heehee!

Thanks for the tour!


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